Friday, September 20, 2013

Teach Yourself German Conversation

Year: 2005 г.
Format: PDF , MP3
Pages: 48
Size : 203 MB

Описание: Небольшое пособие по разговорному тематическому немецкому. Темы: транспорт, концерт, еда, встречи и др.
Описание на английском: This audio-based language series from Teach Yourself is an entertaining, non-intimidating way for you to begin building conversational proficiency. Each course covers ten key situations—from greetings and buying food and drink to shopping, asking for directions, and visiting locals—and includes two conversations per topic. The explanations and instructions are simple and bite-size, making this a very accessible program.


Teach Yourself Instant German

The most effective program for learning German--now with double the audio!

Even if you have failed in traditional language-learning courses, you will succeed with Teach Yourself Instant German! In just 35 minutes a day for six weeks (including one day off each week), you will be able to speak confidently in your new language. As you become involved with the program's intriguing storyline, you will pick up the words and phrases integral to basic conversations.

You will learn 400 key words and expressions in German and only the most important grammar tips so you can communicate quickly and easily. Two audio CDs provide pronunciation of vocabulary and reinforcing exercises.

year: 2006 г.
Format: PDF , Mp3
Pages: 128
Size : 190 MB


Teach Yourself. Improve Your German


Graduate from the fundamentals to fluency!

For language learners stuck at rudimentary greetings and memorized phrases, this new Teach Yourself Improve Your Language series is the ideal way to move beyond beginners' basics. By building on existing knowledge, readers improve the competency of their spoken and written communication.

Lively, authentic dialogues cover a range of situations, such as making invitations and suggestions; writing job descriptions; talking about past events; conveying hotel requirements; making complaints; shopping; and describing ailments. The course also expands sophisticated linguistic skills, such as expressing obligation and needs; probability; contrasting ideas; and regret. Features include:

Clear explanations of key structures
Extensive vocabulary lists
Easy-access verb tables
Useful practice exercises

year: 2004
Format: PDF + MP3
pages: 224
size : 129 MB


Teach Yourself Further German: An Advanced Course

This book is designed specially for the learner who already has a basic knowledge of the language. If you have completed Teach Yourself German or any other beginner's German course, Teach Yourself Further German will enable you to build on what you have learnet and improve ability to communicate.
Ten units cover a wide range of topics, focusing on the kind of practical, everyday situation you may encounter in a German-speaking country. Each unit contains several dialogs or transcripts of interviews and German broadcast material. These are followed by explanations of key structures and vocabulary and, most importantly, plenty of language activities allowing you to practise what you have learnt.
Teach Yourself Further German is the ideal way to extend your communicative language skills and may be used successfully both as an independent course of study and as a supplement to class work.

year: 1998
Format: PDF + MP3
Num. of pages: 194
Size :230 MB

Teach Yourself German [Complete Course: book+2CD]

Description: Paul Coggle teaches German at university and is a consultant courses Teach Yourself. Heiner Schenke - Senior Lecturer of German at the University of Westminster.
Teach Yourself courses can be used for private study, where the student chooses the rate of learning, and for the lessons with a teacher. Rates are based on the latest methods of teaching foreign languages, pleasant and easy to use. Each course begins with the basics and gradually promotes the student to the level of confident communication. Contribute to this:
* Modern, well-constructed dialogue
* The exercises, grammar, notes on culture
* Step by Step method of teaching pronunciation
* Practical Dictionary
* Tables of regular and irregular verbs
* A large number of practical exercises with answers
* Bilingual Glossary

Year: 2003
Genre: German Language Course
Format: PDF mp3
Quality: PDF: the scanned pages (187 pages)
mp3: 96 kpbs, stereo
Size: 190 MB


Thursday, September 19, 2013

Deutsch perfekt 2013 №09 September

Deutsch Perfekt magazine offers the perfect combination of professional journalism and the successful practice of language. Informative texts and relevant topics provide important information about life in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. And these texts and topics are the basis for the unique language support from the magazine Deutsch perfekt.

Format : PDF
Size : 10.14 MB


Les Français Commerciale

Genre School Textbooks & Study Guides: Literature, Arts & Humanities
Cet ouvrage s’adresse à tous ceux qui - français ou étrangers - veulent s’initier au français commercial. En 27 dossiers sont présentées les diverses activités d'une entreprise française :
- gestion, comptabilité, informatique, etc.
- rapports avec l’administration, les banques, les syndicats, etc.
Chaque dossier est constitué :
- d'un dialogue suivi de notes explicatives
- de documents d'illustration
- d’exercices avec corrigés
- de fiches de grammaire.
En fin d’ouvrage : un lexique multilingue (français, anglais, allemand, espagnol).
Author(s) M Danilo, O. Challe, P. Danilo, P. Morel

Language(s) French
Format : PDF
Pages : 305 P.
Size : 7.64 MB


Family and Friends Starter Photocopy Masters Book

This six-level course offers a fast-paced syllabus and a wide range of optional resources to support a high number of teaching hours per week. 
Photocopy Masters Book helps teachers to evaluate children's progress.
One lesson per 2 pages with clear lesson objectives makes the course easy to teach.
Accompanying resources allow teachers to focus on additional skills training and means the course can fit different teaching programmes.

year : 2012.

format: PDF.
pages: 24
size :  8.29 MB


Monday, September 16, 2013

Nota Bene!


Hoogopgeleide anderstaligen hebben veel oefening nodig in het schrijven van formele teksten in het Nederlands – zoals zakelijke brieven, sollicitatiebrieven of opleidingsverslagen – ook als zij een (ver)gevorderd niveau van het Nederlands hebben. Met behulp van dit boek kunnen zij hun schrijfvaardigheid verbeteren en meer zelfvertrouwen krijgen in het schrijven.
Nota Bene! bestaat uit vier modules en een naslagwerk. De eerste drie modules zijn gericht op het proces van het schrijven, de structuur van teksten, en de stijl. In de vierde module wordt de schrijfvorm 'brieven' behandeld. In het naslagwerk staat alles wat betrekking heeft op vormaspecten: de grammaticale regels van het Nederlands en regels voor spelling en interpunctie. In het hele boek staat het oefenen in reële schrijfsituaties centraal, door middel van een ruim aanbod van schrijfopdrachten.
Ook de reflectie op het schrijven krijgt aandacht in Nota Bene! Zo worden cursisten gestimuleerd om na te denken over het schriftelijk taalgebruik, zowel over inhoudelijke verbanden in teksten als over spelling en grammatica.

Year: 2007 
Num. of pages: 239
Format : PDF
Size : 59.83 MB

Thematische woordenschat Nederlands voor anderstaligen


Thematische woordenschat Nederlands voor anderstaligen is eentalig en bevat 25 thematische hoofdstukken. Aan bod komen bijvoorbeeld: persoonlijke gegevens, het menselijk lichaam, gezondheid, wonen, onderwijs, reizen, beeldende kunst, communicatie, politiek, natuur.
Thematische woordenschat Nederlands voor anderstaligen bevat circa 6000 woorden die zijn onderverdeeld in een basis- en een vervolgwoordenschat. Daarnaast zijn de 1000 zeer frequente basiswoorden die men zeker moet kennen duidelijk gemarkeerd. Elk woord wordt in eenvoudige bewoordingen omschreven in het Nederlands of uitgelegd aan de hand van een tekening. In informatiekaders staat extra informatie over taal en cultuur.
Het boek is bedoeld voor mensen met een basiskennis van de Nederlandse taal en kan in de les naast een leermethode gebruikt worden, maar ook voor zelfstudie. Als bron is het Gemeenschappelijk Europees Referentiekader gebruikt en een aantal woordenboeken en leergangen NT
2. De woorden zijn onderverdeeld in niveaus; zo komt er naast een basiswoordenschat van zo'n 3000 woorden ook een vervolgwoordenschat van nog eens 3000 woorden aan bod. De meeste elementaire woordenschat (1000 woorden) is ook weer apart gemarkeerd. Het boek is ingedeeld in 25 nuttige thema's, zoals 'gezondheid en geneeskunde', 'voeding, kleding, winkelen', 'kleuren en vormen', 'ruimte en tijd' en 'taal en communicatie'. Elk woord krijgt een definitie en/of illustratie en een eenvoudige voorbeeldzin. Streepjes onder de lettergrepen geven het accent aan. In kaders wordt extra informatie gegeven over de taal of cultuur. Achterin staat een alfabetisch register van woorden en woordcombinaties, wat in het geval van een thematisch woordenboek erg handig is. Met literatuurlijst.

Year: 2008
Format : PDF 
Num. of pages: 628
Size : 194.31 MB


Nederlandse Grammatica voor Anderstalingen


In binnen- en buitenland houden steeds meer mensen zich bezig met het Nederlands als tweede taal.
De Nederlandse Grammatica voor Anderstaligen heeft in de afgelopen jaren bewezen voor een groeiend aantal gebruikers in binnen- en buitenland een onontbeerlijk hulpmiddel te zijn bij et leren van het Nederlands.
Deze grammatica is bedoeld als een gebruiksgrammatica en is niet alleen geschikt voor degene die de taal leert, maar ook voor degene die het Nederlands als tweede of vreemde taal onderwijst. Op een overzichtelijke wijze behandelen de auteurs met name die grammaticale onderwerpen die juist voor anderstaligen problemen opleveren. Een uitgebreid register vergemakkelijkt het gebruik van deze grammatica als naslagwerk.
Deze expliciete en gedetailleerde grammatica richt zich op buitenlanders die het Nederlands als tweede of als vreemde taal willen leren en hun docenten. Deze gebruiksgrammatica besteedt aandacht aan onderwerpen waar anderstaligen moeite mee hebben, zoals het gebruik van voorzetsels, werkwoordstijden, bepaalde en onbepaalde lidwoorden, de ontkenning, het woordje 'er' en naamvallen. Het boek is niet gebonden aan een lesboek, hoewel beide auteurs mede-schrijver zijn van 'Help!'. Het bevat geen oefeningen, wel een uitgebreid register. De 21 hoofdstukken zijn verdeeld in 881 paragrafen, deze volgen niet de indeling van de ANS (Algemene Nederlandse Spraakkunst). Cursisten op zoek naar voorbeelden en/of regels kunnen hun hart ophalen. Docenten kunnen er ook hun voordeel mee doen. De grammatica is gebaseerd op de door velen als correct beschouwde spreek- en schrijftaal, soms wordt dit onderscheid aangegeven. Deze derde druk is aangepast aan de nieuwe spelling.

Year: 2004 
Num . of Pages: 285
Format : PDF
Size : 67.29 MB


Taal pingpong (book + Audio)


Met dit boek kan iedere anderstalige, van inburgeraar tot expat, oefenen met het stellen van vragen en het geven van antwoord in het Nederlands. Heel veel vragen en antwoorden die in uiteenlopende situaties gesteld kunnen worden, worden hierin geoefend. En er moet veel worden geoefend! Het gebruiken van allerlei grammaticale constructies moet een automatisme worden. Een taalleerder moet over de inhoud van een antwoord nadenken en niet over de vorm.
Het boekje behandelt alle cruciale praktijksituaties binnen Burgerschap, OGO en Werk en geeft daarbinnen (in een context!) talloze vragen en antwoorden. De cursist verhoogt hiermee zijn spreeksnelheid, leert grammaticale constructies snel te hanteren en traint meteen zijn taalvaardigheid binnen cruciale praktijksituaties die nodig zijn voor het inburgeringsexamen. De grammatica in de vragen en antwoorden kent een oplopende moeilijkheidsgraad.
In het boekje zit een cd-rom die het mogelijk maakt het tempo in te stellen, waardoor de reactiesnelheid nog beter kan worden getraind.
Begin- en eindniveau
Deze training is geschikt voor mensen met niveau A1 tot B2 en sluit aan bij alle NT2- en inburgeringsmethodes. De methode kan zowel thuis als klassikaal worden gebruikt. Voor expats kan Taalpingpong vanaf A0 gebruikt worden.

Year : 2008 
Num of pages: 212
Format : PDF + Disk
Size : (54 Mb) + (84.8 MB)


Deutsch perfekt 2013 Mai


Ideal für alle Deutsch-Lerner: Trainieren Sie jeden Monat Ihre Deutschkenntnisse. Mit aktuellen Themen aus Deutschland, Oesterreich und der Schweiz ergaenzen Sie Ihren Wortschatz für Beruf, Studium oder Alltag.

NEU: deins! – die jungen Seiten von Deutsch perfekt als Extraheft in jedem Heft. Kurze Texte, Kreuzwortraetsel und eine bunte Themenmischung bringen Spass ins Lernen.

Format : PDF
Num. of Pages : 80
Size : 11.37 Mb


Solutions Intermediate Teacher's Resource CD-ROM 2nd ed.

Solutions Intermediate Teacher's Resource CD-ROM is 1 - interactive activities - exercises in grammar and vocabulary (translation, etc.) and interactive games. 2 activity in the form of documents to print (like tests) for students.

Size : 18.62 MB


Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Arabic in a Flash Volume 2

Arabic in a Flash Volume 2

Hot on the success of Volume 1, Arabic in a Flash Volume 2 continues to develop the language skills of the beginning students and others interested in learning Arabic. While Volume 1 has a strong focus on basic communication and vocabulary-building, Volume 2 works to further develop vocabulary and introduces everyday activities, travel and leisure and economic and employment issues.

Date of publication : November 15, 2006
Format : PDF
Languages: Arabic/English
Pages : 944 pp
Size : 33.12 MB


Sunday, September 8, 2013

Market Leader: Elementary: Business English Course Book & Practice File + Audio CD


2012 | English | PDF+MP3 | 176+96 pages | 181 Mb

Market Leader 3rd Edition has been completely updated to reflect the fast-changing world of business and brings authentic and authoritative content from the Financial Times© into the business English classroom.


Course Book - 68.53 Mb
Practice File - 11.54 Mb
Audio - 113.87 Mb
All in One - 181.01 Mb

Blick auf Deutschland. Neubearbeitung. Schülerbuch: Erlesene Landeskunde


2008 | German | PDF | 146 pages | 61.4 Mb

Ein aktuelles Lese- und Arbeitsbuch zur Landeskunde für Lernende im In- und Ausland mit Deutschkenntnissen auf Zertifikatsniveau. Besonders geeignet zur Vorbereitung auf die Bereiche "Leseverstehen" und "Wortschatz" der neuenZentralen Mittelstufenprüfung (ZMP).10 in sich abgeschlossene Kapitel regen zur inter-kulturellen Auseinandersetzung mit 10 spannenden Themen an. Ein buntes Angebot authentischer Informationstexte vermittelt ein fakten- und facettenreiches Bild von Deutschland. Die Übungen geben wertvolle Anregungen zur kulturvergleichenden Diskussion, zu Schreibaktivitäten und Projekten. Lehrerinnen und Lehrer finden im Anhang des Buches wichtige Tipps zum Einsatz von Blick auf Deutschland imUnterricht.


Lesen & Schreiben A1


2011 | German | PDF | 84 pages | 31.67 Mb

Texte, die zum Lesen anregen, Übungen zum Leseverstehen und zum schriftlichen Ausdruck trainieren gezielt die Fertigkeiten Lesen und Schreiben anhand der wichtigsten alltäglichen Themen und Sprechanlässe – besonders für lernungewohnte Deutschlerner geeignet.


Market Leader: Pre-Intermediate: Business English Course Book & Teacher's Resource Book" + Audio CD


2012 | English | PDF+MP3 | 175+215 pages | 155.6 Mb

The 3rd edition of this ever popular course combines some fantastic new materials with all the features that have made this course a bestseller.
The 3rd edition Course Book contains:
- 100% new reading texts from the Financial Times;
- 100% new case studies with opinions from successful consultants who work in the real world of business;
- 100% new authentic listening texts reflecting the global nature of business with texts that are all available to view on the new CD-ROM;
- 'Business Across Cultures' spreads which focus on particular cultural issues.


Course Book - 15.82 Mb
Teacher's Book - 13.13 Mb
Audio - 128.55 Mb
All in One - 155.57 Mb

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Modern French Grammar: A Practical Guide + workbook (2nd ed.)

Modern French Grammar: A Practical Guide + workbook (2nd ed.)
English | 2004-08-19 | 320 pages | PDF | 3.76 mb

This new edition of the Modern French Grammar is an innovative reference guide to French, combining traditional and function-based grammar in a single volume. Divided into two parts, Part A covers traditional grammatical categories such as word order, nouns, verbs and adjectives and Part B is organized around language functions and notions such as:

- giving and seeking information
- describing processes and results
- expressing likes, dislikes and preferences.

With a strong emphasis on contemporary usage, all grammar points and functions are richly illustrated with examples. Implementing feedback from users of the first edition of the Grammar, this second edition includes clearer explanations and greater emphasis on areas of particular difficulty for learners of French.

This is the ideal reference grammar for learners of French at all levels, from beginner to advanced. No prior knowledge of grammatical terminology is assumed and a glossary of grammatical terms is provided. This Grammar is complemented by the Modern French Grammar Workbook Second Edition which features related exercises and activities.

Download links:

Using Russian Vocabulary

Using Russian Vocabulary
2009 | 636 pages | PDF | 4 MB

This book provides the student of Russian with an in-depth, structured approach to the learning of vocabulary. Containing over 5000 words, it can be used for intermediate and advanced undergraduate courses, or as a supplementary manual at all levels - including elementary level - to the study of Russian vocabulary. It is made up of eighteen units covering topics such as the physical world, the human body, leisure, and industry - each unit consisting of words and phrases that are organized thematically and according to levels. Each unit contains approximately sixty graded exercises, encouraging students to practise using the vocabulary in context, and providing a lively and engaging set of self-study tasks. Helping students to acquire a comprehensive control of both concrete and abstract vocabulary, this book will be welcomed by all learners of Russian wishing to improve their competence in essential communicative tasks, and will function as an invaluable teaching resource.

Using Arabic Synonyms

Using Arabic Synonyms
2005 | 704 pages | scan PDF | 147 MB

Designed for those who have already developed a basic competence in Arabic, this comprehensive synonyms guide aims to broaden and improve the learner's vocabulary by helping them find the right word for the right context. Presenting words of related meaning together, it provides a range of options which will help avoid repetition and improve style, enabling students to develop a deeper awareness of the subtle differences in meaning and usage of different words. Each entry is illustrated with authentic examples of the synonyms in use, showing their unique meanings and grammatical properties, and enabling students to quickly recognize them in real-life contexts. The book is complete with two clear indexes, in English and Arabic, enabling the reader to instantly and easily locate any word. An essential reference for college and undergraduate students, their teachers, and other language professionals seeking a clear, user-friendly guide to Arabic vocabulary and its usage.

The Pronunciation of English: A Course Book, 2nd edition

The Pronunciation of English: A Course Book, 2nd edition
2004 | 328 pages | PDF | 4,4 MB

This revised second edition provides an introduction to the phonetics and phonology of English. It incorporates all central aspects of research in the phonology of English and involves the reader at every step, with over 80 exercises leading students to discover facts, to formulate general statements, and to apply concepts.

Discusses the nature of speech and phonetic description, the principles of phonological analysis, the consonants and vowels of English and their possible sequences.

Provides extensive treatment of rhythm, stress, and intonation and the role of these prosodic elements in discourse.
Includes more than 80 exercises with feedback and glossary of technical terms.
Incorporates developments in phonology since the first edition appeared.

Übungsgrammatik Deutsch


Übungsgrammatik Deutsch
1997| German | PDF | 380 pages | 96.34 Mb

In Gliederung und Abfolge an die "Deutsche Grammatik" und den "Leitfaden der deutschen Grammatik" von Helbig/Buscha anschließend, enthält dieses Werk eine Fülle von Übungsmaterial zur Morphologie und Syntax des Deutschen.Durch den Lösungsteil auch für das Selbststudium geeignet.


Hindi: An Essential Grammar


Hindi: An Essential Grammar
2007 | 296 pages | PDF | 52,8 MB

This text provides a reader-friendly guide to the structural patterns of modern standard Hindi. Ideal for both independent learners and classroom students alike, this book covers the essentials of Hindi grammar in readable, jargon-free sections.

Key features include:
sections on the speech sounds of Hindi
detailed analysis of Hindi sentence structure
full examples throughout.

Standard Hindi (Devanagari: मानक हिन्दी), also known as Manak Hindi, High Hindi, Nagari Hindi or Literary Hindi, is a standardised register of Hindustani. It is the official language of India, and is used, along with English, for administration of the central government.[3][4] Standard Hindi is a sanskritised register derived from the khariboli dialect. By contrast, the spoken Hindi dialects form an extensive dialect continuum of the Indic language family, bounded on the northwest and west by Punjabi, Sindhi, Gujarati and Marathi; on the southeast by Oriya; on the east by Bengali; and on the north by Nepali.

The regulating authority for Standard Hindi is the Central Hindi Directorate.

India, Indian, South Asia, Hindustani, Hindi-Urdu, Urdu, Braj

Colloquial Chinese 2: The Next Step in Language Learning


Colloquial Chinese 2: The Next Step in Language Learning
2007| 295 pages | PDF | 26,7 MB

Colloquial Chinese 2 is designed for people who already have some knowledge of the language but want to progress a stage further. It is the ideal way to refresh your knowledge and to extend your skills, either in preparation for a visit, or to brush up on the language for work.
Structured to give you the opportunity to listen to and read lots of modern, everyday Chinese, it has been developed to work systematically on reinforcing and extending your grasp of Chinese grammar and vocabulary.

Key features include:
• revision material to help you consolidate and build up your basics
• Chinese texts presented in simplified characters and pinyin romanization throughout
• lessons based on practical everyday topics and supplemented by useful cultural notes
• lots of spoken and written exercises in each lesson for practice and consolidation
• a grammar summary, detailed answer key and Chinese-English glossary

Modern Arabic: Structures Functions, and Varieties, 2nd edition

Modern Arabic: Structures Functions, and Varieties, 2nd edition
2004| 440 pages | PDF | 30,4 MB

The revised and updated edition of "Modern Arabic" takes this authoritative, concise linguistic description of the structure and use of modern Arabic to an invaluable new level. Clive Holes traces the development of the Arabic language from Classical Arabic, the written language used in the 7th century for the Qur'an and poetry, through the increasingly symbiotic use of Modern Standard Arabic or MSA (the language of writing and formal speech) and dialectal Arabic (the language of normal conversation). He shows how Arabic has been shaped over the centuries by migration, urbanization, and education - giving us "a balanced, dispassionate, and accurate picture of the structures, functions, and varieties of the contemporary Arabic language". Holes explains the structural characteristics - phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and lexical and stylistic developments - that the majority of the dialects share, as distinguished from Modern Standard Arabic. He also shows how native speakers use both types of Arabic for different purposes, with MSA being the language of power and control as used on television and in political speeches, and the dialects serving as the language of intimacy and domesticity. He further shows how MSA and spoken dialects are not as compartmentalized as one might be led to believe. "Modern Arabic" illustrates the use of the Arabic language in real life, whether in conversation, news bulletins and newspaper articles, serious literature, or song. This new edition takes into account research published in several areas of Arabic linguistics since the first edition was published in 1995. It includes more extensive comment on the North African Arabic vocabulary of Modern Standard Arabic, more information about "mixed" varieties of written Arabic that are not in MSA (especially in Egypt), updated references, explanations, and many new examples. All Arabic is transcribed, except for an appendix presenting the Arabic alphabet and script. Students of the Arabic language will find "Modern Arabic" without peer - as will those general linguists who are interested in discovering how Arabic compares structurally and sociolinguistically with European languages.

Write It in Arabic: A Work Book and Step-By-Step Guide to Writing the Arabic Alphabet


Write It in Arabic: A Work Book and Step-By-Step Guide to Writing the Arabic Alphabet
2004 | 120 pages | PDF | 6 MB

Write it in Arabic is an alphabet guide and workbook which offers a hands-on approach to learning Arabic. The book covers the 28 letters of the Arabic alphabet, numbers, vowel marks and handwriting. This workbook includes plenty of examples that teach how to read and write the Arabic script, guides students through the pronunciation of each letter while introducing them to new vocabulary. This book opens from right to left, like any book printed in Arabic.

A New Arabic Grammar of the Written Language


A New Arabic Grammar of the Written Language
1990| 688 pages | PDF | 18,3 MB

-- The essential study guide to Arabic grammar
-- A true classic in the field.

In addition to Qur'an selections, fables, stories, newspaper extracts, letters, and excerpts from classical and modern Arabic writings are included. The book contains 52 chapters with a vocabulary of over 4,000 words.

It will serve as a basis for further and deeper study of this classical language and its literature; at the same time it will help to form a good foundation for those who wish to concentrate on the modern written language of literature and the daily press.

This is above all a practical grammar. It is meant for the beginner who is not familiar with the peculiarities of the Semetic languages. Nevertheless, it is comprehensive enough for most students' needs in the first two or three years of study.

English Today • Multimedia Course • Volume 13 • Upper Intermediate Level 1

English Today • Multimedia Course • Volume 13
Upper Intermediate Level 1  BOOK with AUDIO and VIDEO
2009 | English | PDF, MP3, Video-DVD | 2.75 GB

English Today is an innovative product for English language learning, designed to gain maximum advantage from the DVD format and aimed at the needs of the target consumer. It is not simply the next stage in the advancement from video cassettes or CD-ROM's, but a whole new kind of product. It represents a completely new approach: instead of the typical video-lesson structure, a teacher guides the student through a series of narrative episodes arranged as in a sit-com. There are also interactive exercises so that the user can practice what he or she has learned. All with the flexibility afforded by a multimedia product.

Part_A | Part_B | Part_C |
Part_A | Part_B | Part_C |

Part_A | Part_B | Part_C |

Part_A | Part_B | Part_C |

Part_A | Part_B | Part_C |

Part_A | Part_B | Part_C |

English Today • Multimedia Course • Volume 14 • Upper Intermediate Level 2

English Today • Multimedia Course • Volume 14
Upper Intermediate Level 2  BOOK with AUDIO and VIDEO
2009 | English | PDF, MP3, Video-DVD | 2.16 GB

English Today is an innovative product for English language learning, designed to gain maximum advantage from the DVD format and aimed at the needs of the target consumer. It is not simply the next stage in the advancement from video cassettes or CD-ROM's, but a whole new kind of product. It represents a completely new approach: instead of the typical video-lesson structure, a teacher guides the student through a series of narrative episodes arranged as in a sit-com. There are also interactive exercises so that the user can practice what he or she has learned. All with the flexibility afforded by a multimedia product.

Part_A | Part_B | Part_C |
Part_A | Part_B | Part_C |

Part_A | Part_B | Part_C |

Part_A | Part_B | Part_C |

Part_A | Part_B | Part_C |

Part_A | Part_B | Part_C |

Menschen - Deutsch als Fremdsprache: Bd.A2/1 Kursbuch, mit DVD-ROM


Menschen - Deutsch als Fremdsprache: Bd.A2/1 Kursbuch, mit DVD-ROM
2013 | German | MP3 192 Kbps/WAV/EXE | Lenght: 00:46:00 | 469 Mb

Zielgruppe: Erwachsene und junge Erwachsene Menschen - das neue Lehrwerk für alle, die im Unterricht mehr bewegen möchten! Woran können sich Menschen am besten erinnern? An alles, was sie persönlich bewegt. Und was bewegt uns am meisten? Lernpsychologie und Neurodidaktik sind sich einig: Uns bewegt, was mit Menschen zu tun hat! Und genau das ist das Erfolgsgeheimnis unseres neuen Lehrwerks: Hier dreht sich alles um Menschen. Emotional, spannend und unterhaltsam. Machen Sie sich ein Bild - Sie werden sehen: Menschen bewegt! Emotion und Erfolg Drei Erkenntnisse der Lernpsychologie und Neurodidaktik sind für das Sprachenlernen besonders wichtig:
1. Interesse und Emotionen weckt man am besten mit Geschichten.
2. Unser Gedächtnis arbeitet mit Bildern.
3. Wiederholungen festigen und motivieren. Diese Erkenntnisse prägen das Konzept von Menschen. So werden Lerninhalte über "Storytelling" eingeführt, ein Bildlexikon visualisiert den Lernwortschatz und Wiederholung sowie Automatisierung erhalten ganz viel Raum. Partizipation und Interaktion Wer seinen Interessen folgt, lernt erfolgreicher, und selbstgesteuerter Spracherwerb sitzt am tiefsten. Deshalb stellt Menschen die Lernerautonomie in den Mittelpunkt. Die Lernenden können Themen nach ihren Interessen auswählen und erhalten vielfältige Anlässe zum selbstständigen Weiterlernen. Ebenso werden alle Möglichkeiten genutzt, um individuelle Kenntnisse und Fähigkeiten zu aktivieren, zum Beispiel durch Lerntipps oder Vergleiche zu anderen Sprachen. Phantasie und Vielseitigkeit Der Mensch lernt mit allen Sinnen. Deshalb wird der Lernstoff über mehrere Kanäle vorgestellt und miteinander vernetzt. Diese Art der Präsentation verlängert dabei unter anderem die Aufmerksamkeitsspanne. Unterschiedliche Lernformen vom Lied über Bewegungsübungen bis zu Spielen und Filmsequenzen sind perfekt aufeinander abgestimmt: eine gezielte Vernetzung, die den Lernerfolg steigert. Multimedialität und Motivation Die Möglichkeiten der digitalen Medien werden umfassend genutzt. Das interaktive Kursbuch für Whiteboard und Beamer, das digitale Unterrichtspaket und der Moodle-Kursraum sind Hilfsmittel für einen mediendidaktisch sinnvollen Unterricht und verkürzen die Vorbereitungszeit. So werden Lernen und Unterrichten effektiver.


Übungsgrammatik für die Grundstufe, neue Rechtschreibung, Regeln, Listen, Übungen


Übungsgrammatik für die Grundstufe, neue Rechtschreibung, Regeln, Listen, Übungen
2002| German | PDF | 160 pages | 6.39 Mb

Diese Übungsgrammatik für die Grundstufe eignet sich für Deutschlerner, die sich auf ein Studium an einer deutschsprachigen Hochschule vorbereiten, ist lehrwerkunabhängig und kann in allen Deutschkursen eingesetzt werden, enthält Regeln, Lernlisten und Übungen auf den Niveaustufen A und B, orientiert sich am Modell der Valenzgrammatik, ist systematisch aufgebaut, enthält aber auch Vorschläge für eine didaktisch sinnvolle Abfolge der einzelnen Kapitel.


Practice Makes Perfect English Sentence Builder

Practice Makes Perfect English Sentence Builder
2009 | 192 pages | PDF | 3 MB

Practice Makes Perfect helps you put your English vocabulary and grammar skills together!
You may have all the vocabulary down pat and every grammar point nailed--but without the skill of knowing how to put these elements together, communicating in your second language would be nearly impossible. Practice Makes Perfect: English Sentence Builders picks up from where other grammar books leave off, showing you the variety of structures and how to combine them to make solid sentences.

Effective Academic Writing 2: The Short Essay

Effective Academic Writing 2: The Short Essay
English | 2006  | 336 pages | scan PDF | 9,1 MB

Effective Academic Writing 2: The Short Essay, is the second level of a new academic writing series. The series teaches the writing modes and rhetorical devices students need to succeed in academic work.

English Today • Multimedia Course • Volume 15 • Upper Intermediate Level 3

English Today • Multimedia Course • Volume 15
Upper Intermediate Level 3  BOOK with AUDIO and VIDEO
2009 | English | PDF, MP3, Video-DVD | 1.58 GB

English Today is an innovative product for English language learning, designed to gain maximum advantage from the DVD format and aimed at the needs of the target consumer. It is not simply the next stage in the advancement from video cassettes or CD-ROM's, but a whole new kind of product. It represents a completely new approach: instead of the typical video-lesson structure, a teacher guides the student through a series of narrative episodes arranged as in a sit-com. There are also interactive exercises so that the user can practice what he or she has learned. All with the flexibility afforded by a multimedia product.

Part_A | Part_B | Part_C |
Part_A | Part_B | Part_C |

Part_A | Part_B | Part_C |

Part_A | Part_B | Part_C |

Part_A | Part_B | Part_C |

Part_A | Part_B | Part_C |

Leo & Co.: Das schnelle Glück

Anna, Paco, Felipe und Benno spielen Lotto und wollen den 10 Millionen Jackpot gewinnen. Ihr Tipp ist gut – aber plötzlich verschwindet der Lottoschein!

Publication date: 2010
Number of pages: 64
Format / Quality: MP3 / 1411kkps + PDF
level A1 
Size : 234 MB